The Kitty Cat Group - An Online Community for Cats
Welcome to The Kitty Cat Group, a free online community for cats! Share your stories, post files, and make new feline friends!
Group Rules
1. Be kind - no bullying or being mean to others
In this group, you have to be kind and respectful to other furry felines in the group. Treat others how you want to be treated. No drama is allowed here!
2. Don't share personal info - be safe
It's important that you don't give out personal information online, because it can be really risky. Please don't do that in this group, it isn't safe. Keep your personal info to yourself, please.
3. No sales or spam - no advertising here!
Please do not advertise, spam, or scam other users in the group. If you want to advertise, please go to the forum category where it is allowed instead of this group!
4. We are anti-dog users - no doggies allowed here
We are anti-dog users, which means we are against dogs. They are our enemies because they are trying to take down our group. No dogs are allowed here. Any dog users added to the group will be removed!
5. Be yourself - don't try to be someone else!
You are YOU - you are unique, special, and wonderful! You don't need to try to act like someone else, just be yourself and have fun!
6. No swearing - don't use inappropriate language
Swearing or cussing isn't allowed here. It's mean and disrespectful! Please don't use inappropriate language in this group, otherwise your post will be deleted.
- Private
Only approved members can view this group.
Shown to site visitors.
April 4, 2024
Created by